ZeroDarkWeb, a mock survey of dark web information leakage targeting the top 100 companies in Korea. About 1.05 million account information leaks. How do you respond?

ZeroDark Web surveyed 100 major domestic companies on the dark web about the leakage of mail account information, internal documents, and hacking PC status, and found about 1.05 million mail account information leaks, 87 documents leaks, and about 1.5 million PC hacking concerns.

As of the end of January 23, Japan’s top 100 companies found about 1.05 million e-mail account information leaks, 87 documents leaks, and PC hacking concerns.

As of the end of January 23, Japan’s top 100 companies have 450,000 e-mail account information and 32 document leaks, and the current situation of dark web information leakage in Korea is very serious, and we urgently need to change our perception and take measures.

In particular, as organizations that abuse ransomware are increasingly exploiting information acquired from the dark web, analysis and countermeasures of the leak are essential

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